WMMC'19 Sponsors

On behalf of the European Cetacean Society, The Society for Marine Mammalogy and the entire conference committee for the World Marine Mammal Conference, we would like to thank all of our incredibly generous sponsors would have made this event possible!

World Marine Mammal Conference Sponsorship Levels

Blue Whale

$50,000 USD

North Atlantic Right Whale

$30,000 USD

Blainville's Beaked Whale

$25,000 USD

- Anonymous -


$15,000 USD

Polar Bear

$10,000 USD


$7,500 USD

Mediterranean Monk Seal

$5,000 USD

Sea Otter

$2,000 USD

- GAP, DAP & WAM -

Fins and Flippers

Up to $1,500 USD
Thanks to the over 100 individuals who donated funds for student and international travel grants.

Collaborators and Sponsors - Sessions, Items and Events

Plenary Session

Marine Mammals and Climate Change

Plenary Session

Conservation Interventions

Oral Session

Plastic and Pollutants

Poster Theme

Pollutants and Toxicology

WMMC19 Meeting Point

Finnegan’s Point

WMMC19 Reusable & Travel Mugs

WMMC19 Student Event

Damm Brewery

WMMC19 Banquet

Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya

Free Admission for all WMMC'19 Attendees

Natural Science Museum of Barcelona

WMMC'19 Award Sponsors

Student Awards

  • WMMC’19 Regional Student Awards (Europe; North America; Latin America; Asia; Africa; and Oceania. Each region will have two winners: one for the best doctoral student presentation and one for the best pre-doctoral (undergraduate or masters programme) presentation.
  • ACCOBAMS-ECS Student Award for the best presentation of research from the ACCOBAMS area.
  • Frederic Fairfield Memorial Award for innovative research by students who developed or applied pioneering techniques or research tools to study marine mammals.

Awards Open to All

  • IFAW Marine Mammal Conservation and Welfare Award for the best contribution to welfare and/or conservation through research, public involvement or education
  • The Stephen Leatherwood Award for the most outstanding presentation on marine mammals in South and Southeast Asia that emphasises a conservation challenge and solution
  • The daily “Audience Favourite Award”, which the audience votes on via the conference app
  • The “Judges Discretionary Award” for any presentation that made us say “Wow”!!!
The WMMC’19 Awards team is extremely grateful to the awards sponsors. Thank You!

For questions or inquiries about becoming a WMMC’19 sponsor, please contact sponsors@wmmconference.org.